Privacy policy



SC Betarom Fastening SRL is a commercial company registered in Romania, with its registered office in Ilfov, ul. Ana Ipătescu, no. 39, section C 16, Ilfov district. The company's identification data is:

– Registration number at the Trade Registration Office Ilfov J23/4501/2016

– unique registration code RO17884122

The scope of activity of SC Betarom Fastening SRL is wholesale trade in tools, machines, devices used in the furniture and upholstery industries, etc., consumables for their operation and the provision of the necessary service for their operation.

The Company fully respects and allocates technical and human resources and makes all necessary efforts to safely process your personal data and implement Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of persons with regard to such data, also known by the acronym GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Although SC Betarom Fastening SRL services are not addressed to natural persons, they are intended for entities with legal personality, in the B2B system it is necessary to provide data when registering as a customer of your company on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website personal details of the representative of the natural person registering a company account a legal person on the website, as a customer, as well as a company performing the registration.

Personal data of representatives of natural persons of our business partners, legal persons, enjoy legal protection in the scope of their personal data, these laws , as European citizens, are:

RIGHT TO INFORMATION – the right to information about the processing and protection of personal data by SC Betarom Fastening SRL;

RIGHT TO ACCESS DATA – the right to obtain confirmation from the data operator that personal data are or are not being processed by him;

RIGHT TO CORRECTION – the right to rectify incorrect data and complete incomplete data;

RIGHT TO DELETE DATA (“RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN”) – the right to request, provided that the legal requirements are met, the deletion of personal data;

THE RIGHT TO RESTRICT PROCESSING – the right to request, provided that legal conditions are met, the marking of stored personal data in order to limit their subsequent processing; BETAROM Fastening SRL Headquarters: ul. Ana Ipatescu no. 39, Warehouse C16 Jilava, Ilfov County – 759512, Romania no. order reg. Com: J23/4501/2016 CUI: RO 17884122

THE RIGHT TO TRANSFER DATA – the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and easy-to-read manner, as well as the right to have this data sent by another data operator, provided that the legal conditions are met;

RIGHT OF Objection – the right to submit at any time, for legitimate and legitimate reasons related to a particular situation, personal data that are the subject of processing, provided that the legal requirements are met;

THE RIGHT NOT TO BE SUBJECT TO AN INDIVIDUAL DECISION – the right to request and obtain the withdrawal, annulment or reassessment of any decision that is based solely on automated processing (including the creation of profiles) and produces legal effects or similarly significantly affects the persons concerned;

RIGHT TO APPLY TO THE COURT OR THE NATIONAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY FOR THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA – the right to lodge a complaint with the National Authority for Supervising the Processing of Personal Data, accordingly, to go to court to defend any rights guaranteed by applicable law on the protection of personal data that have been violated.

Categories of personal data that we process, is data provided directly by natural persons representing companies that are legal entities that are or will become our business partners and registering via an account on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website, and are:

– name and surname of the Customer's representative, the legal entity registering his account, who becomes the contact person and will manage the account of the company registered on the website of SC Betarom Fastening SRL

– main e-mail address of the representative of the contact person of the company with which SC Betarom Fastening SRL will conduct business relations through the account created on the website

– mobile, landline or fax number of the company that will run the account

– identification data of the trading partner of SC Betarom Fastening SRL including the registered office, unique registration code no. registration at the Commercial Register Office

– name, surname and identification data (including address, series and number of ID card, CNP) of legal representatives of the legal entity creating its account

– delivery addresses, invoice details, payment method, contact telephone number, bank account details of the company, legal entity that will maintain the account created on the website for the purpose of invoicing orders

Other personal data we may ask for is:

– payment history to SC Betarom Fastening SRL

– payment events by bills of exchange or CEC

– data from tax records, tax certificates, etc

goals, for which we process this data are:

– Creation and administration of a third company account on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website

– Completion of sales and purchasing operations, which may include submitting offers, accepting orders, shipping and invoicing

– Acceptance of return requests in accordance with the provisions of the contract and terms of sale

– Refund of the value of returned products

– Conducting marketing activities to provide current information about available products or services, sales offers and promotions

Time processing of personal data is related to the duration of maintaining the account of the third party registered on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website, as well as to the duration of contractual relations.

Legal basis processing of personal data is the conclusion and performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation).

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except for the strict performance of contractual obligations arising from the purchase and sale agreement, the fulfillment of which cannot be performed in any other way.

The contact address where you can exercise one of the above rights is:


By entering the username and password, the person acting on behalf of the Client who is a legal entity of SC Betarom Fastening SRL, expressly declares that he or she consents to the processing of personal data in the manner described in the General Information on the processing of personal data by SC Betarom Fastening SRL, regarding:

– user's name and surname

- User Name

– private or business e-mail address

Purpose the processing of this data is the user's login on the website of SC Betarom Fastening SRL.

Time processing of the above personal data. this is related to the existence of an account on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website.

Legal basis processing of personal data is the conclusion and performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation).


By placing an order, the person registering the order clearly declares that he or she consents to the processing of personal data in the scope of:

– name and surname and identification details of the contact person from the client who is a legal person, whose e-mail address was used to set up an account on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website

– name and surname of the legal representatives of the client who is a legal person

– identification data of the customer company SC Betarom Fasatening SRL, on whose behalf the order is placed

– delivery addresses

- Payment details

- payment method

– telephone contact number

- Bank account information

A natural person using the e-mail address used to create an account on the SC Betarom Fastening SRL website declares that he or she is entitled to use the personal data registered on the website and consents to the processing of personal data in the manner described in the General Information regarding the processing of personal data by SC Betarom Fastening SRL.

The price for the ordered products will be determined based on the last price offer sent to the Customer by the representative of SC Betarom Fastening SRL.

purpose, for which we process this data is the possibility of concluding a purchase and sale transaction.

Time the processing of personal data is related to the period necessary to conclude a sales contract.

Legal basis processing of personal data is the conclusion and performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation).


By ordering an offer, a person acting on behalf of a client who is a legal entity of SC Betarom Fastening SRL and requesting a commercial offer from SC Betarom Fastening SRL expressly declares that he or she consents to the processing of personal data in the manner described in the General information regarding the processing of personal data by SC Betarom Fastening SRL, regarding:

– name and surname, identification data, residential address, CNP of the representative of the legal entity submitting the request for a price offer

– identification data of the company, legal entity it represents and for which it is submitting an offer (name, unique registration code, registered office, delivery addresses, etc.)

– bank account for issuing an invoice

The prices included in the price offer do not constitute a purchase and sale agreement and are limited to producing effects only within these limits, and when concluding a purchase and sale agreement, the prices will be determined on the basis of a special offer sent by the Seller. representative of SC Betarom Fastening SRL.

Purpose , for which we process this data, is the possibility of concluding a purchase and sale transaction on good terms.

Time processing of personal data is related to the period necessary to create and submit a response to the ordered offer.

Legal basis processing of personal data is the conclusion and performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation).


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